Monday, December 31, 2012

LA Galaxy set to offer 4million pounds in wages to Lampard for becoming new Beckham

Buenos Aires News.Net Sunday 30th December, 2012

Lampard could earn up to four million pounds plus a potential 619,000 pounds in merchandise sales at Galaxy.

A source told the Sun, LA Galaxy feels Lampard is what the club is missing since Beckham has left.

The source further added that Lampard has the profile to fill Beckham's role as the face of the club globally.

Lamaprd is mulling over his next move after being told by London side Chelsea to find another club.

Despite helping the Blues to the Champions League, three Premier League titles, four FA Cups and two League Cups, he was told he can go from January 1. (ANI)


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how to quit sugar in the New Year | Sarah Wilson

Perhaps you?re playing with the idea of quitting sugar for 2013. To get well. And bright. And happy. Yes?


Some of the treats I invite you to eat when you quit sugar. Clockwise from top left: bacon and egg cupcakes, avocado and coconut water popsicles, almond butter bark, crunchy nut cheesecake, berry pie, coco nutty granola.

Look, I?m not one to to sell in things with fanfare. I will simply say: quitting sugar works. And then I will gently invite you: to try it for yourself. How does it work? What will it take? How do you do it?

1. Eat fat. And wine.

Yes, my I Quit Sugar program requires you to eat more haloumi cheese and meat (if you?re not vegan or vego), macadamia nuts, homemade chocolate, coconut, and avocado popsicles. And, yes, you can still drink wine and beer and some spirits (in case you?re worried).

2. Don?t diet.

I hate diets. Quitting sugar is not a diet. It?s not miserable, you eat more, you eat without guilt. And it?s not a fad; I don?t do fads either.

It?s about cutting out processed food and eating like our grandmother?s used to. Simple. Non-faddish.

3. Know that you will lose weight.

Some people lose 2kg. Some lose 55kg. By eating more. Weight loss is not the focus, though. Because watching your weight doesn?t work. Instead when you quit sugar you focus on just feeling GOOD. Like REALLY GOOD. Clear skin, clear mood, brighter outlook?things that can be ?watched? and experienced within days of quitting.

4. Buy the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program.


The ebook ? for reading on your computer or eReader (you get all formats for the same price) ? walks you through the most effective techniques for getting off sugar and losing weight, week-by-week.

5. Better, take advantage of the I Quit Sugar Detox Bundle Deal.

The I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program PLUS The I Quit Sugar Cookbook for $29.


6. Know you?re not locked in.

You can get a full refund within 30 days, if you just don?t like it. I don?t want anyone feeling obliged. About anything.

7. Allow 8 weeks.

The ?8-Week Program? bit in the title of my book should give it away: it takes two months to get your result. That?s how long it will take to get sugar out of your system and for your body to find natural appetite. After that you can choose to go back to eating sugar or to move forward eating a little sugar (fruit and some occasional dark chocolate) ? but not in an addictive, pscyho way. Or you can choose to stay off it completely.

But, yes, you?ll be able to choose. You?ll be free.

8. Join the IQS Community.

Ask questions, share your thoughts, get feedback via:

* The I Quit Sugar Facebook page.

* By signing up to the I Quit Sugar newsletter (and get notified of giveaways and offers)

9. Ask me any questions you might have.

Post below and I?ll answer before you try it out.

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Wall Street tries to see past 'cliff'; outlook clouded

10 hrs.

As investors gaze across the "fiscal cliff," some see a better economy on the far side, making stocks and risk assets more appealing and bonds less so in the year ahead.

But there are many caveats to that scenario and some of them will be decided in the next few days as politicians struggle to strike a deal that would avert a fall off the "fiscal cliff." The cliff is the double-barreled blow to the economy from the reversal of dozens of tax breaks and the onset of automatic spending cuts, agreed as a solution to the contentious 2011 debt- ceiling debate.

Congress meets Sunday evening and may consider the latest proposals.

Stocks were spooked in the past week by the lack of movement in discussions between Congress and President Barack Obama. As the market closed Friday, the absence of new developments during talks underway at the White House provided a void for selling. The Dow fell 1.2 percent to 12,938, giving it a loss of 1.9 percent for the week. The S&P 500 fell 1.1 percent to 1402, for a one week loss of 1.9 percent. The Nasdaq lost 2 percent for the week to 2960.

Congressional leaders late Friday left the White House without a deal, setting the stage for a weekend of raw nerves. Obama said he was still optimistic the Senate leadership could come up with a deal that would?pass both houses, but he also laid out a second plan for a straight up-or-down?vote on middle class tax cuts if they can't reach an agreement.

The president repeated that strategy in an exclusive interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday in which he scolded House Republicans for not having come to an agreement sooner.

"They say that their biggest priority is making sure that we deal with the deficit in a serious way, but the way they're behaving is that their only priority is making sure that tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans are protected," Obama said. "That seems to be their only overriding, unifying theme."

Obama said if Congress failed to agree on a deal and if the straight up-or-down vote was blocked, the first bill introduced in the new year would propose a cut in taxes for the?middle class.?

"Now I think that over the next 48 hours, my hope is that people recognize that, regardless of partisan differences, our top priority has to be to make sure that taxes on middle-class families do not go up. That would hurt our economy badly," Obama said.?

He warned that if there was?no deal by Jan. 1, it could hurt financial markets.?

"What's been holding us back is the dysfunction here in Washington," he said. "And if people start seeing that on January 1st this problem still hasn't been solved, that we haven't seen the kind of deficit reduction that we could have had had the Republicans been willing to take the deal that I gave them, if they say that people's taxes have gone up, which means consumer spending is going to be depressed, then obviously that's going to have an adverse reaction in the markets."

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) dismissed the president's criticism, and pointed the finger of blame at Obama.

"Republicans made every effort to reach the 'balanced' deficit agreement that the president promised the American people, while the president has continued to insist on a package skewed dramatically in favor of higher taxes that would destroy jobs," Boehner said in a statement reacting to the 'Meet the Press' interview.

"We've been reasonable and responsible. The president is the one who has never been able to get to 'yes,'" Boehner said.?

Obama: GOP's insistence on halting tax hikes for the wealthy is blocking 'cliff' deal

Stock futures fell sharply after the market closed Friday.?

"You could tell a lot of people were very skittish about their trades," said Patrick Kernan of Cardinal Capital. "Everybody is fearful of what exposure they have right now. Right now, we're thinking if they reach a deal we go back to around where we were a week ago, right around 1440" on the S&P 500. If there's no deal, "we think it goes down 30 to 50 points."

Kernan, who trades S&P 500 options, said the market was swarmed by investors seeking portfolio protection Friday.?

"The other side of this thing from an investment standpoint, is if there's a deal, I don't know what the number is but is it a five-percent rally from here? Is it a three-percent rally?" said?said James Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Wells Capital Management.? "There's risk on both sides of the trade, and I think that's been helping keep this reaction more muted than it otherwise might be."

"The cliff isn't December 31. The real cliff is somewhere down the line when the tax bite and spending cuts start to hurt," he said. "The most optimistic agreement was not that we got this done before the deadline.The most optimistic was we get it done right on deadline, and I think it was fully expected it would get really ugly right before that?the other reality is if it doesn't get done until mid-January it's not going to hurt anything."

Paulsen said the market's anxiety will increase the longer it goes on. "If we go over, the market reaction will start to build?I don't think it will fall apart if we go over. I think if we start to get to the second half of January, I think they'll get way more concerned."

Wait, There's More
Besides the action on Capitol Hill, there is the December employment report Friday and some other key data to look forward to in the week ahead. That includes Thursday's December car sales and chain-store sales and Wednesday's ISM manufacturing data. The minutes of the Fed's last meeting are also expected Wednesday afternoon.

But the outcome of the cliff discussion and congressional votes will be what drives markets in the week and months ahead, and what will ultimately decide whether the U.S. can be a driver of the global economy or a drag on it in 2013.

"I don't think the story is over yet," said Citigroup economist Steven Wieting. "We all expected agony . It just seems we keep adding to it."

"There's compromise that's needed and now seemed like a good time, but they already let the window substantially pass. The opportunity to have a really big framework has passed," Wieting added.

He?described a another possible scenario. "They're going to completely leave the debt ceiling out of this, and they're going to leave any signs of structural reform out of this. Then we have a deal that includes future cliff dates. That would leave uncertainty in play."

Yet, analysts and economists also see a possible optimistic outcome, where the cliff is fixed, at least in part, either by New Year's or several days later, and the debt ceiling and remaining issues are dealt with in the first part of the year. If that's the case, it might unleash economic growth, as consumer and business confidence improve.

"I think the global economy is going to surprise on the upside," said Ed Keon, portfolio manager with Quantitative Management Associates. Keon believes Congress will make a deal to avoid the cliff, and he sees gains in the U.S. economy as well as improvement in the European debt crisis and a pickup in the emerging world. "I think in the European situation, time is on our side and everyday things look a little better."

He also sees the U.S. ending the year with stronger growth. "It's hard to believe Washington would want to hurt the economy with malice of foresight," he said. "Doing a small deal will be viewed that they might be able to do a bigger deal."

Kind of a Small Deal
"We'll get a deal," said Steven Stanley, chief economist at Pierpont Securities. "It will be a small deal that will address some of the more onerous aspects of the cliff. Tax rates, they're going to have to address the AMT, and they're going to have to do something with sequestration cuts,?either delay them or rejigger them. I think they'll probably do something on state and dividend tax rates, the Medicare doc fix and they'll probably extend the unemployment benefits."

It's the bigger deal, on the debt ceiling, that will be most difficult and most important in terms of the longer term strength of the economy. Treasury secretary Tim Geithner warned this past week that the U.S. will reach the debt ceiling limit Monday, but that the Treasury can make some adjustments to keep the government funded for a couple months while Congress works out a deal. The hope is that Congress would find a way to deal with bigger tax reform and entitlement spending issues as part of that debate.

Forget the 'fiscal cliff," the debt ceiling is much scarier

Avoiding the cliff, even with scaled back tax increases,?will not leave the economy unscathed but it should not trigger the recession expected if the cliff were hit. "Basically if we let the payroll tax expire it's going to blunt consumer spending in the beginning of the year, even if we know about it," Stanley said. "The upper income tax increases are not a free lunch either. It's substantially lower than the full cliff."

One of the most public points of contention is at what income level, Bush-era tax cuts are reversed. Both Republicans and Democrats agree tax rates should remain the same for 98 percent of taxpayers, but the disagreement is over taxing the rich and that's what the Senate leadership will have to tackle this weekend.

Obama did not specify on "Meet the Press" which income level he would accept. He has consistently promoted $250,000 as the dividing line between those who would continue to benefit from Bush-era tax cuts and those who would see their taxes increase. But the figure has been a bargaining chip in the negotiations.

The economy could handle that and move on, Wieting said. "If it's a fiscal tightening between 1 and 1.5 percent of GDP, the economy would absorb that in a discrete way and probably move on to stronger growth in the second half of the year. It could be better. It could be clearer. It could be sooner," he said.?

Wieting said, however, the more unresolved issues and pushed-out deadlines there are, the worse it will be for the economy because business spending would remain constrained.

Here's what happens to you if we go over the fiscal cliff

Wieting expects growth in the beginning of the year of about 1 percent, and assuming a resolution of the cliff and debt ceiling issues,?growth could accelerate to 3 percent by the end of the year.

The economic data this week should continue to show the same slow growth in employment, but possibly stronger auto sales and improved manufacturing. Economic data, particularly housing-related data, has been largely better than expected.

Stanley expects the December nonfarm payrolls to be about the same as November's 146,000. "I have 150,000 but that includes a couple of special factors that I think will push the number up a little bit," said Stanley. One of those factors is the addition of couriers, temporarily hired to deliver holiday gifts. Last year, that category gained 40,000 in December, and lost the same amount in January, he said.

The week's economic events:


  • ?Final trading day of 2012
  • "Fiscal Cliff" deadline


  • New Year's Day, markets closed


  • 10:00 am: ISM manufacturing
  • 10:00 am: Construction spending
  • 2:00 pm: FOMC minutes


  • ?Monthly vehicle sales
  • Monthly chain store sales
  • 8:15 am: ADP employment
  • 8:30 am: Jobless claims


  • 8:30 am: Employment report
  • 10:00 am: ISM nonmanufacturing report
  • 10:00 am: Factory orders


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Gulf firms rework mobility strategies ? 70% of businesses feel global ...

KUWAIT: In a globally connected world, companies both in the Middle East and across the globe, are readdressing their mobility strategies; many surveyed organizations plan to review their global mobility strategies in 2013, says Maya Rafii Zaatari, director, Human Resources, Deloitte Middle East.

Organizations are aware of both the requirements and the current limitations of their global mobility programs; however they are not translating that awareness into improvement and change, according to a new report by Deloitte. This is based on the latest annual survey of almost 200 HR, talent and global mobility professionals from companies around the world, entitled Strategic Moves. Findings in this study are particularly relevant to Middle East companies moving into regionalization structures, and international markets to compete effectively in these new markets and succeed in attracting and deploying employees and leaders to meet their business objectives. ?As more and more companies expand their operations globally, and many companies based in the Middle East begin to operate across the region, the challenge to source the right talent and meet client needs is evidently growing. Many regional firms are seeking candidates with international experience to assume leadership posts in different industries,? said Zaatari. In many Middle Eastern countries, particularly in the GCC, it is integral that strategies to improve global mobility are put into place, to ensure the right expertise is being offered to clients when needed,? she added. Brett Walsh, Global Human Capital leader, DTTL, says: ?The survey results show that organizations recognize the need for a global, mobile workforce to support their business strategies.

However, despite a keen awareness of worldwide mobility issues, there is slow progress to make the relevant improvements. Where organizations are taking steps, they appear to be aligning their international mobility strategies with functional needs, rather than also focusing on developing the next generation of global leaders with international experience required to run the global organizations of the future.? According to the report, a mere 2% of organizations see their global mobility functions as world class, and only 12% perform assessments of their mobility practices and make clear links back to improvement efforts they need to make. The Deloitte survey also highlights that 70% of business and HR stakeholders believe that global mobility in their organizations is underperforming and needs improvement.

Different requirements of global mobility Organizations recognize global mobility as an important tool to support the top strategic business issues and support the business in addressing the top three strategy issues: emerging geographical markets, such as the Middle East (100%), increasing globalization (99%), and increasing competition (98%). However, on average, less than 30% are using mobility to completely address those issues. ?In a globally connected world, companies both in the Middle East and across the globe, are readdressing their mobility strategies. In fact, one third of the organizations surveyed say they are planning on reviewing their global mobility strategies in the next 12 months, including reviewing the alignment with business issues and goals,? said Zaatari. Perception of the global mobility function Survey respondents were asked whether they felt global mobility was a purely administrative function, a strategic value-add, or both. Those in business HR roles were most likely to see it as strategic (42%). However, in stark contrast, those tasked with high-level talent and reward responsibilities and the ability to elevate global mobility to the realm of strategy ? were most likely to see it as just administrative (42%).

Assessment There is a widespread recognition of the need to improve the services that mobility teams provide; however the vast majority of organizations surveyed (88%) are undertaking only a limited assessment of the services that are currently being offered.

The way forward In order to align global mobility strategies with business? issues and goals in the longer term, global mobility will need to support business more effectively by providing global workforce management, where they manage an organization?s global supply and demand of skills and talent. This will require the mobility function to acquire new skills and capabilities. Brett Walsh concludes: ?If positioned appropriately, by adding global workforce management capabilities to its suite of services, global mobility can be the key player in solving an organization?s long-term skill supply-anddemand talent gaps. This will require a departure from the current model and a strong vision of the future. ?Organizations need to make two types of investments in order to achieve this. Firstly, they need to invest in their wider functional HR capabilities such as integrated HR, talent and global mobility technologies to facilitate global standard reporting across various employee metrics. Secondly, this initial investment will then allow them to invest ahead of the talent demand curve to create the required supply of talent to meet their future organization growth aspirations.??Agencies

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African Union head due to arrive in the Central African Republic for talks as rebel forces continue to advance toward capital - @BBCNews

The head of the African Union is due to arrive in the Central African Republic for talks as rebel forces continue to advance towards the capital Bangui.

The AU says Thomas Boni Yayi will discuss the crisis with President Francois Bozize.

Earlier, the Seleka rebel alliance entered the central city of Sibut after the army withdrew on Friday evening.

Regional leaders say both sides have agreed to hold talks, although no firm timetable has been given.

Correspondents say Mr Boni Yayi is expected to try to persuade President Bozize to launch a dialogue with the rebels.

More troops from the Central African Multinational Force (Fomac) arrived in CAR on Saturday to reinforce a contingent already there.

More than 100 French paratroopers have also been sent in. However, France insists they are only there to secure its nationals - not to save the regime.

A senior UN official told the BBC that all its international staff have been evacuated to neighbouring Cameroon.

The US has also evacuated its embassy in Bangui.

BBC West Africa correspondent Thomas Fessy says there was no fighting when rebels entered Sibut on Saturday.

The city is about 150km (95 miles) from Bangui.

Government troops and Chadian soldiers deployed as a buffer force had left their position hours before and a rebel spokesman said they took over the city because it was abandoned.

The spokesman said the rebels had no intention to march on the capital ahead of talks meant to start early next month.

However, our correspondent says there is a growing fear that the rebels may well attempt to depose President Bozize.

Government troops are reported to have fallen back to Damara, 75km from Bangui, the last major town on the road to the capital.

Seleka - an alliance of three separate groups - accuses Mr Bozize of failing to honour a 2007 peace deal under which fighters who laid down their arms were meant to be paid.

The rebels have pledged to depose Mr Bozize unless he negotiates with them.

They began their campaign a month ago and have taken several key towns and cities including Bambari and the diamond centre of Bria in their push towards the capital.

On Saturday, government officials confirmed that their forces' attempt to retake Bambari on Friday had been beaten back.

In Bangui, residents have reported sharp rises in staple food prices as the rebels draw closer.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Retired Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf dies at age 78

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who topped an illustrious military career by commanding the U.S.-led international coalition that drove Saddam Hussein's forces out of Kuwait in 1991 but kept a low public profile in controversies over the second Gulf War against Iraq, died Thursday. He was 78.

A sister of Schwarzkopf, Ruth Barenbaum of Middlebury, Vt., said that he died in Tampa, Fla., from complications from pneumonia. "We're still in a state of shock," she said by phone. "This was a surprise to us all."

A much-decorated combat soldier in Vietnam, Schwarzkopf was known popularly as "Stormin' Norman" for a notoriously explosive temper.

He served in his last military assignment in Tampa as commander-in-chief of U.S. Central Command, the headquarters responsible for U.S. military and security concerns in nearly 20 countries from the eastern Mediterranean and Africa to Pakistan.

Schwarzkopf became "CINC-Centcom" in 1988 and when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait three years later to punish it for allegedly stealing Iraqi oil reserves, he commanded Operation Desert Storm, the coalition of some 30 countries organized by President George H.W. Bush that succeeded in driving the Iraqis out.

"Gen. Norm Schwarzkopf, to me, epitomized the 'duty, service, country' creed that has defended our freedom and seen this great nation through our most trying international crises," Bush said in a statement. "More than that, he was a good and decent man ? and a dear friend."

At the peak of his postwar national celebrity, Schwarzkopf ? a self-proclaimed political independent ? rejected suggestions that he run for office, and remained far more private than other generals, although he did serve briefly as a military commentator for NBC.

While focused primarily in his later years on charitable enterprises, he campaigned for President George W. Bush in 2000 but was ambivalent about the 2003 invasion of Iraq, saying he doubted victory would be as easy as the White House and Pentagon predicted. In early 2003 he told the Washington Post the outcome was an unknown:

"What is postwar Iraq going to look like, with the Kurds and the Sunnis and the Shiites? That's a huge question, to my mind. It really should be part of the overall campaign plan," he said.

Initially Schwarzkopf had endorsed the invasion, saying he was convinced that former Secretary of State Colin Powell had given the United Nations powerful evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. After that proved false, he said decisions to go to war should depend on what U.N. weapons inspectors found.

He seldom spoke up during the conflict, but in late 2004, he sharply criticized then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon for mistakes that included inadequate training for Army reservists sent to Iraq and for erroneous judgments about Iraq.

"In the final analysis I think we are behind schedule. ... I don't think we counted on it turning into jihad (holy war)," he said in an NBC interview.

Schwarzkopf was born Aug. 24, 1934, in Trenton, N.J., where his father, Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., founder and commander of the New Jersey State Police, was then leading the investigation of the Lindbergh kidnap case, which ended with the arrest and 1936 execution of German-born carpenter Richard Hauptmann for stealing and murdering the famed aviator's infant son.

The elder Schwarzkopf was named Herbert, but when the son was asked what his "H'' stood for, he would reply, "H." Although reputed to be short-tempered with aides and subordinates, he was a friendly, talkative and even jovial figure who didn't like "Stormin' Norman" and preferred to be known as "the Bear," a sobriquet given him by troops.

He also was outspoken at times, including when he described Gen. William Westmoreland, the U.S. commander in Vietnam, as "a horse's ass" in an Associated Press interview.

As a teenager Norman accompanied his father to Iran, where the elder Schwarzkopf trained the country's national police force and was an adviser to Reza Pahlavi, the young Shah of Iran.

Young Norman studied there and in Switzerland, Germany and Italy, then followed in his father's footsteps to West Point, graduating in 1956 with an engineering degree. After stints in the U.S. and abroad, he earned a master's degree in engineering at the University of Southern California and later taught missile engineering at West Point.

In 1966 he volunteered for Vietnam and served two tours, first as a U.S. adviser to South Vietnamese paratroops and later as a battalion commander in the U.S. Army's Americal Division. He earned three Silver Stars for valor ? including one for saving troops from a minefield ? plus a Bronze Star, a Purple Heart and three Distinguished Service Medals.

While many career officers left military service embittered by Vietnam, Schwarzkopf was among those who opted to stay and help rebuild the tattered Army into a potent, modernized all-volunteer force.

After Saddam invaded Kuwait in August 1990, Schwarzkopf played a key diplomatic role by helping to persuade Saudi Arabia's King Fahd to allow U.S. and other foreign troops to deploy on Saudi territory as a staging area for the war to come.

On Jan. 17, 1991, a five-month buildup called Desert Shield became Operation Desert Storm as allied aircraft attacked Iraqi bases and Baghdad government facilities. The six-week aerial campaign climaxed with a massive ground offensive on Feb. 24-28, routing the Iraqis from Kuwait in 100 hours before U.S. officials called a halt.

Schwarzkopf said afterward he agreed with Bush's decision to stop the war rather than drive to Baghdad to capture Saddam, as his mission had been only to oust the Iraqis from Kuwait.

But in a desert tent meeting with vanquished Iraqi generals, he allowed a key concession on Iraq's use of helicopters, which later backfired by enabling Saddam to crack down more easily on rebellious Shiites and Kurds.

While he later avoided the public second-guessing by academics and think tank experts over the ambiguous outcome of Gulf War I and its impact on Gulf War II, he told The Washington Post in 2003, "You can't help but... with 20/20 hindsight, go back and say, 'Look, had we done something different, we probably wouldn't be facing what we are facing today.'"

After retiring from the Army in 1992, Schwarzkopf wrote a best-selling autobiography, "It Doesn't Take A Hero." Of his Gulf war role, he said, "I like to say I'm not a hero. I was lucky enough to lead a very successful war." He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II and honored with decorations from France, Britain, Belgium, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain.

Schwarzkopf was a national spokesman for prostate cancer awareness and for Recovery of the Grizzly Bear, served on the Nature Conservancy board of governors and was active in various charities for chronically ill children.

"I may have made my reputation as a general in the Army and I'm very proud of that," he once told the AP. "But I've always felt that I was more than one-dimensional. I'd like to think I'm a caring human being. ... It's nice to feel that you have a purpose."

Schwarzkopf and his wife, Brenda, had three children: Cynthia, Jessica and Christian.


Pyle reported from New York. Associated Press writer Jay Lindsay in Boston contributed to this report.


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  • Price : US $300 . (Per Night).

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Hotel Amenities:

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LUX Belle Mare Pool LUX Belle Mare

LUX Belle Mare Water Sports LUX Belle Mare


Guestrooms open to balconies with beach, sea or garden views. Vibrantly contemporary, yet distinctively Mauritian in design, all rooms benefit from Butler Service ? and boast luxury marble bathrooms with oversized double baths for the ultimate indulgence (and Jacuzzi in Lagoon/Honeymoon Suites). The sumptuous Maharajah Presidential Suite even comes with both indoor and outdoor Jacuzzis for that added touch of luxury. Each has amenities such as a DVD player, complimentary toiletries and a mini bar. Slippers and bathrobes are also provided for extra comfort.

Room Types:

  • Beach Junior Suite (60m?): A super king-size Sleep Tight bed promises the ultimate in comfort, while a leisurely living area and spacious terrace overlook the gardens and sparkling lagoon. Freshen up in the spacious marble bathroom with walk-in shower, bath, double washbasins and separate toilet with adjoining dressing room. Direct access to the pool and special kid?s amenities are also available.
  • Family Suites (120m?): Especially suited to families on holiday, these interconnected suites allow parents and their kids to enjoy special moments together, while also giving everyone a sense of personal space. Each suite is equipped with king-size Sleep Tight beds, a dressing room and spacious bathroom with a large walk-in shower, two wash basins, a bath and separate toilets, as well as a butler service on request.
  • Pool Junior Suite (60m?): Enjoy beautiful views coupled with direct access to one of the island?s largest swimming pools in this stylish Junior Pool Suite. Find out what?s happening in the rest of the world with free high speed Wi-Fi Internet, and then perhaps settle in for the night with a complimentary DVD from our extensive collection.
  • Junior Suite (55m?): Spacious and airy, with terraces overlooking the tropical gardens and lagoon, each Classic Junior Suite offers the utmost in comfort and style. Each suite is equipped with king-size Sleep Tight beds, a dressing room and luxurious bathroom with a large walk-in shower, two wash basins, a bath and separate toilets.
  • Lagoon Suites (90m?): Lounge in a luxuriously spacious Lagoon Suite while gazing across exquisite views of the lagoon.
  • Honeymoon Suites (90m?): Feel the cool touch of polished wood floors beneath your feet and a gentle breeze from the slow-turning ceiling fans in your beautifully appointed Honeymoon Suite. Enjoy a romantic breakfast for two outside on your spacious terrace or an unforgettable dinner under the stars.
  • Maharajah Suite (240m?): Decorated with intricate artworks and furnishings from India, this unique Suite offers the ultimate in elegance and comfort. Sink into a plush sofa, tuck into dinner in the private dining room or sunbathe in absolute privacy on your picturesque rooftop terrace, complete with solarium and whirlpool. A connecting Junior Suite is also available for family and friends. Another large terrace gives direct access to the tropical gardens and beach, while a private butler is on hand to see to your every need.

Rooms Amenities:

  • Balcony.
  • Climate control.
  • Ceiling fan.
  • Blackout drapes/curtains.
  • Direct-dial phone.
  • Deep soaking bathtub.
  • Rainfall showerhead.
  • CD player.
  • In-room safe.
  • Desk.

LUX Belle Mare Room LUX Belle Mare

LUX Belle Mare Suite LUX Belle Mare

LUX Belle Mare Room1 LUX Belle Mare

LUX Belle Mare Family Room LUX Belle Mare


LUX restaurants offer everything that?s exceptional about luxury island dining, with none of the heavy, overly indulgent extras. Enjoy the very best dishes, flavours and textures that the island?s many cultures and influences have to offer at any one of our authentic dining environments.

  • Caf? LUX: Nothing beats a really great cup of coffee. That?s why at LUX* we only serve our very own delicious Island Blend of certified green organic beans.
  • Club Savanne: Savour a Cuban cigar and indulge in an aperitif or exotic cocktail while lounging in a sumptuous armchair under a lofty wooden and thatched roof.
  • The Kitchen: The Kitchen offers a mouth-watering menu of authentic island cuisine overlooking the glittering ocean and swimming pool. Overlooking the ocean and pool, this restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • The Bar: The Bar also offers a range of light snacks during the day for those enjoying a lazy afternoon at the nearby pool.
  • Riva Gauche: Rive Gauche is the LUX* Belle Mare?s main restaurant, open for breakfast and dinner. Its elevated thatched roof confers to the restaurant a colonial exotic el?egance. The hotel?s true culinary intersection offers ?? la carte menu?, Gala dinners and thematic evenings, celebrating the Mauritian cultural diversity through the variety of local flavours.
  • Monsoon Lounge & Bar: Sit facing the sea at Monsoon Lounge & Bar and enjoy its atmosphere with a touch of luxury. Guests can gather for evening entertainment at this colonial style bar.
  • Le Langoustier: Discover the new culinary concept brought to you by experts, aromatic cuisine. Each seafood menu are thoughtfully crafted to impress your taste buds.
  • The Beach: Overlooking the ocean, this restaurant serves lunch and dinner.
  • Indouchine: This restaurant overlooks the ocean.

24-hour room service is available.


The luxury Spa of LUX* Belle Mare offers a variety of treatments using Payot. One of the most prestigious spa brands, for the pleasure of guests who are eager to relax after an exciting day. In this haven of peace dedicated to physical and mental wellbeing. LUX* Me provides a solution for guests looking to improve their lifestyle. Feel better, look better, perform better and maybe learn a thing or two. Make the most out of your vacation by releasing all your stress in the spa, toning up with a fitness program, chilling out daily with yoga and enjoying the delights of healthy cuisine that tastes great. For those wanting to take a deeper step into wellbeing, retreats are offered which immerse the guest in yoga, fitness, nutrition and spa treatments to enliven the body, mind and soul. It?s all provided by world class experts in an idyllic location.

The spa complex is equipped with 11 rooms, including:

  • 2 Double rooms.
  • 7 Single rooms.
  • 2 Outside massage Kiosks, with thatched roof.
  • 1 Vichy shower treatment room.
  • 1 Hammam.
  • 1 Sauna.
  • 1 Cold plunge pool.
  • 1 Whirlpool.
  • 1 Hairdressing saloon.

LUX Belle Mare Spa LUX Belle Mare

LUX Belle Mare Soa Room LUX Belle Mare


  • Check-in time starts at 2 PM.
  • Check-out time is 11 AM.
  • No pets or service animals allowed.
  • Extra-person charges may apply and vary depending on hotel policy.
  • Government-issued photo identification and a credit card or cash deposit are required at check-in for incidental charges.
  • The hotel has free parking. Valet parking is offered at the hotel. There is an airport shuttle that runs from the hotel.
  • Special requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges. Special requests cannot be guaranteed.

LUX Belle Mare View LUX Belle Mare



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LG wants the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 terminated, says it breaches viewing angle patents

LG wants the Samsung Galaxy Note 101 terminated, says it breaches viewing angle patents

When Samsung came swinging with allegations of OLED patent infringements and corporate theft, LG promptly counter-sued. Samsung then escalated by broadening its list of patent complaints, forcing LG to do what any dignified electronics brawler would have to do: file for a retaliatory injunction against the "sale, manufacture and importation" of one of Sammy's products. The device at stake today is the unsuspecting Galaxy Note 10.1, which has no direct rival among LG's current product range but which is claimed to have breached three LG display patents concerning the improvement of viewing angles. For its part, Samsung is dismissing the attack as "unjustified" and doesn't seem overly concerned by LG's demand for damages -- nothing less than a billion won ($1 million) for each day the Note 10.1 continues to be made and sold.

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Via: FOSS Patents

Source: Dow Jones


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Genetic sequencing breakthrough to aid treatment for congenital hyperinsulinism

Dec. 27, 2012 ? Congenital hyperinsulinism is a genetic condition where a baby's pancreas secretes too much insulin. It affects approximately one in 50,000 live births and in severe cases requires the surgical removal of all or part of the pancreas.

Researchers at the University of Exeter Medical School are the first in the world to utilise new genetic sequencing technology to sequence the entirety of a gene in order to identify mutations that cause hyperinsulinism. Previously, existing technology limited such sequencing to only part of the coding regions of the gene which meant that some mutations were missed.

Using new Illumina genetic sequencing technology, the research team led by Professor Sian Ellard has discovered novel mutations that cause hyperinsulinism. Their findings are published December 27 2012, on-line by The American Journal of Human Genetics.

The outcome will be that some infants born with hyperinsulinism will require fewer investigations, because the new technology means that for many only one genetic test will be required to determine the extent of the condition in each child. It also means that clinicians will have more information at their fingertips to inform them about how much of the pancreas needs to be removed.

Approximately 50 per cent of patients with congenital hyperinsulinism require surgery, and of those half require the entire pancreas to be removed. Removal of the entire pancreas increases the risk of diabetes later in life, but if left undiagnosed and untreated hyperinsulinism can result in irreparable brain damage. Symptoms range from shakiness and tiredness to seizure and coma.

Dr. Sarah Flanagan, Research Fellow in Molecular Genetics at the University of Exeter Medical School said: "The potential provided by this new technology is important and exciting, because it allows us to investigate genetic coding in its entirety. This means that investigators can identify mutations that sit at the heart of any number of conditions where before they might have been missed. This in turn results in better information for clinicians upon which they can base effective treatments and interventions for their patients."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Exeter, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sarah?E. Flanagan, Weijia Xie, Richard Caswell, Annet Damhuis, Christine Vianey-Saban, Teoman Akcay, Feyza Darendeliler, Firdevs Bas, Ayla Guven, Zeynep Siklar, Gonul Ocal, Merih Berberoglu, Nuala Murphy, Maureen O?Sullivan, Andrew Green, Peter?E. Clayton, Indraneel Banerjee, Peter?T. Clayton, Khalid Hussain, Michael?N. Weedon, Sian Ellard. Next-Generation Sequencing Reveals Deep Intronic Cryptic ABCC8 and HADH Splicing Founder Mutations Causing Hyperinsulinism by Pseudoexon Activation. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.11.017

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Criticised Croatian Agriculture Mininister sells his private company ...

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    2012: The year malware surged 'dramatically'

    4 hrs.

    December is "prediction season" in the cybersecurity industry. Every major anti-virus software maker and digital-security provider issues its own forecasts of what computer users face in the coming year.?

    So far this month, the predictions for 2013 look a lot like those for 2012: more?Android malware, increased cyberattacks by nation-states and greater activity by "hacktivist" groups such as Anonymous.?

    However, a few companies go back and check their own predictions at the end of the year to see what they got right ??and wrong.?

    One company that does so is Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab, one of the top five anti-virus companies in the world.?

    "In 2011, we really saw a number of things rising up: hacktivism; big?database breaches; attacks against Androids; attacks against Macs; data espionage became daily business in 2011," said Roel Schouwenberg, senior researcher at Kaspersky's Boston-area office. "When we look at 2012, we saw a further evolution of all these new trends."?

    Kaspersky made the following predictions for 2012:?

    • Hacktivist?groups, who attack computer systems for political or social reasons, would continue to increase their activities?
    • A higher rate of "advanced persistent threat" attacks, or state-sponsored espionage efforts?
    • More incidents of cyberwarfare involving customized, state-sponsored malware?
    • Attacks on software and game developers such as Adobe, Microsoft, Oracle and Sony?
    • More aggressive actions from law-enforcement agencies against cybercriminals?
    • An increasing rate in the growth of threats to the Android mobile platform?
    • Successful attacks on Apple's Mac OS X computer platform?

    Let's examine five of the top security incidents that shaped 2012 and check the accuracy of the Kaspersky researchers in light of those predictions.?

    1. More Mac OS X malware
    Security experts had anticipated an outbreak of malware targeting Mac OS X for years; 2012 was when it finally happened.?

    The bug that did it, called the?Flashback or Flashfake Trojan, first appeared near the end of 2011, but didn't reach its peak rate of infection until March of 2012.?

    Flashback infected more than 700,000 Macs around the world, the largest known Mac OS X infection to date.?

    "In 2011, we predicted that we would see more Mac malware attacks," said Kaspersky Lab's Costin Raiu and David Emm in a?blog posting. "We just never expected it would be this dramatic."?

    Why did Flashback wreak such havoc??

    One reason was a well-documented Java vulnerability, which Apple took a long time to patch even after it had been publicly disclosed. The Flashback authors took advantage of Apple's delay to incorporate the Java exploit into their otherwise unremarkable creation.?

    The second reason was the general?lack of awareness among Mac users?about security. Proper anti-virus software would have stopped Flashback's attack, yet most Mac users felt they didn't need it.?

    Flashback wasn't the only successful attack on Mac OS X systems in 2012. There were multiple espionage-related attacks on Macs used by Tibetan dissidents and exiles. Some of the attacks used corrupted files purporting to?come straight from the Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled leader.?

    "The espionage angle may be a bigger factor for Mac right now than regular consumer malware," Schouwenberg said. "For general cybercrime, most criminals go after Windows because that's what they know. That's what's easiest for them."?

    "But when it comes to these targeted attacks, the attackers go after whichever machines the targets are using. So if the targets are using Macs, they'll go after Macs."?

    Schouwenberg said in terms of the proportion of available systems infected, Flashback was the most successful malware outbreak of the year.?

    "When you look at relative market share, the Flashback malware in terms of prevalence was the size of [the infamous Windows worm]?Conficker," he said. "This was an absolutely huge event in the Apple world. When you extrapolate [the number of Macs infected] to Windows numbers, that's about 10 million."?

    2. Cyberweapons: Flame??
    Cyberwarfare is a term that often gets hyped up, especially when a politician or general is speaking.?

    In fact, the?Stuxnet worm, which crippled an Iranian uranium-enrichment facility in the summer of 2010, was for nearly two years the only known cyberweapon that had destroyed anything.?

    That changed this past spring, when a series of cyberattacks destroyed computer systems at oil facilities in Iran, as well as in the offices of the Iranian oil ministry.?

    Wiper, the malware thought to be responsible for the attacks, was never found, although certain tell-tale signs indicated it was similar to Stuxnet and its cousin Duqu.?

    During the investigation in May, however, researchers from Kaspersky, the Iranian computer emergency response team MAHER and the CrySyS Lab at Budapest University in Hungary discovered something else ?possibly the most sophisticated piece of malware ever seen. Kaspersky's team called it "Flame."?

    The size, age and sophistication of Flame were startling. It was 20 megabytes in size, as large as a complex smartphone game, while most malware is only a few dozen kilobytes in size.?

    Flame contained a dozen different modules that could be added and subtracted according to the task at hand, which made it extremely versatile as spyware.?

    It could map out networks, index files, record audio and video, log keystrokes, take screenshots and archive emails and instant messages. When its job was done, it would destroy all signs of itself on any 32-bit Windows PC, and sometimes the host system as well.?

    Yet despite its size, Flame was at least five years old at the time of its discovery ?an enormous amount of time for a piece of malware to be "in the wild."?

    As?Raiu said in a press release, Flame was "an example of a complex malicious program that could exist undetected for an extended amount of time while collecting massive amounts of data and sensitive information from its victims."?

    A couple of weeks after its discovery, Dutch researchers found that Flame's creators had pulled off a mathematical breakthrough.?

    Using unknown techniques, Flame's creators had created a nearly-impossible?cryptologic collision?that allowed Flame to present itself as a signed, genuine Windows update package direct from Microsoft. No anti-virus software could have stopped it.?

    In August, Kaspersky researchers found a highly sophisticated Trojan in the Middle East, this time spying on Lebanese banks.?

    Like ordinary criminal banking Trojans, this new malware, which Kaspersky researchers dubbed "Gauss," stole online-banking credentials to break into accounts. Yet Gauss didn't steal any money ?just information.

    In their year-end review, Raiu and Emmer said Gauss added a "new dimension to nation-state cyber-campaigns," even if it was nowhere as sophisticated as Flame.?

    "It appears there is a strong cyber component to the existing geopolitical tensions ?perhaps bigger than anyone expected," they added.?

    ? and Shamoon?
    That would prove to be an understatement. Later in August, Shamoon, a piece of especially destructive, yet simple, malware, made?its world debut.?

    Named after a piece of text embedded deep in its code, Shamoon launched an attack against the state-owned Saudi Arabian oil company Saudi Aramco and destroyed data on more than 30,000 computers. ??

    Shamoon was crude but effective. It searched an infected system for certain files, sent a list of those files to a remote server, and then methodically deleted key parts of the installed Windows system, rendering the infected machine useless.?

    "You have the hacktivist movement claiming credit for that attack, which may or may not be the case," Schouwenberg said.?

    "Shamoon wasn't really that sophisticated, but when you look at the relevance of the incidence, it's extremely, extremely important," Schouwenberg added, "especially when you consider the fact that Saudi Aramco announced just recently that they strongly believe that Shamoon's real target was to mess with the oil production rather than just sabotaging the machines in the corporate network."?

    Kaspersky researchers said many details about Shamoon were still unknown, such as how the malware infected Saudi Aramco's systems in the first place, or who was behind the malware.?

    Some observers suspect Iran created and used Shamoon as an attempt to cripple Saudi Arabia's oil production, which would cause oil prices to rise, benefiting cash-strapped Iran.?

    3. Exponential growth in Android malware?
    During 2011, there was an explosion in the number of?malicious threats against the Android platform. It was obvious that the trend would go on.?

    Kaspersky, as well as most of its competitors, accurately predicted that the number of threats for Android would continue to grow at an alarming rate in 2012.?

    "We predicted we would see an explosion in Android malware and that's what we saw," Schouwenberg said. "There is a huge amount of Android malware these days, although not anywhere near the amount of Windows malware that we see. But it's grown very dramatically."?

    How dramatically??

    "The number of samples we received continued to grow and peaked in June 2012, when we identified almost 7,000 malicious Android programs," Raiu and Emmer wrote. "Overall, in 2012, we identified more than 35,000 malicious Android programs, which is about six times more than in 2011."?

    So why is there so much Android malware, and so little malware targeting its competition, Apple's iOS??

    It's because?iOS is locked down tight. Apple oversees every part of the hardware and software development, and strictly controls which apps can be installed on iOS devices.?

    Android, however, is a free-for-all. Dozens of manufacturers make hundreds of Android devices, and the operating system is a little different on each one. Manufacturers and cellular carriers?refuse to update Android?in a timely manner, resulting in security holes that are left unpatched for months or years.?

    "Off-road" app markets flourish, especially in China where access to the official Google Play store is restricted. Google has belatedly tightened security in both Android itself and in the Google Play store, yet its efforts have a long way to go before they can match Apple's.?

    Still, the tighter security in the latest versions of Android may be having an effect. Kaspersky's own figures show that while the number of new Android threats continued to grow in the second half of 2012, the rate of growth began to slow.?

    4. Advanced persistent threats go quiet?
    Advanced persistent threat hackers, i.e. cyberspies, were certainly active in 2012, yet didn't have the spectacular successes they'd had in previous years.?

    Perhaps the most visible attack on Western targets was the discovery in September 2012 that two pieces of malware had been signed using a?valid Adobe code-signing certificate.?

    Apparently, someone, somehow, had broken into an Adobe server and stolen authentication certificates.?

    "This discovery belongs to the same chain of extremely targeted attacks performed by sophisticated threat actors commonly described as APT," wrote Raiu and Emmer. "The fact that a high profile company like Adobe was compromised in this way redefines the boundaries and possibilities that are becoming available for these high-level attackers."?

    5. Data breach after data breach?
    One thing that Kaspersky failed to anticipate in 2012 was the seemingly unending parade of huge data breaches involving companies and organizations with inadequate security.?

    In early June, the business-networking website LinkedIn had?6.4 million passwords stolen. The passwords were encrypted, but in a very simple way that meant most could easily be deciphered.?

    A day later, online-dating service eHarmony suffered a similar breach,?losing 1.5 million passwords, also poorly encrypted.?

    In July, struggling Web giant Yahoo was embarrassed by a data breach that revealed?450,000 passwords?had been stored without any encryption at all. It wasn't entirely Yahoo's fault, since the database was acquired with the 2010 purchase of another company, but it was also evident that no one had bothered to check.?

    Worst of all was the revelation in late October that vital personally identifiable information on?3.8 million adult residents of South Carolina, plus 1.9 million dependents and 700,000 businesses, had been stolen from the state tax agency.?

    Entire tax records, containing names, addresses, dates of birth and, worst of all, Social Security numbers, were all stored unencrypted. Virtually the entire state population of 4.7 million people was put at grave risk of identity theft.?

    Weeks after the breach was revealed, the state government was blaming the federal IRS for not providing strong security guidelines, and was itself being criticized by security experts for not revealing enough about what had happened.?

    Looking back, and forward?
    "There isn't too much that was shocking news over 2012, just these up-and-coming things [from] 2011 that really established themselves in 2012," Schouwenberg said. "But we also saw some examples of new nation-state [campaigns] like Flame and Gauss. But from my personal point of view, the most significant event of the year was Shamoon."?

    As for 2013, "we expect the next year to be packed with high-profile attacks on consumers, businesses and governments alike, and to see the first signs of notable attacks against the critical industrial infrastructure," Raiu said in a company press release.?"The most notable trends of 2013 will be new examples of cyberwarfare operations, increasing targeted attacks on businesses and new, sophisticated mobile threats."


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    The Price of Commitment: What People Spend on Engagements ...

    engagementIt?s proposal season?and we?re not talking about?business proposals.

    We?re referring to sparkly-ring marriage proposals. And according to TheKnot, December is the most popular month for said engagements.

    Of course, much like the actual ring, not all marriage proposals look exactly alike. Some have marching bands! Some have flash mobs! Some are completely devoid of witnesses?and some prefer it that way.

    If you plan to propose this holiday season, as an early engagement gift to you, we?ve looked into the costs of some of the most elaborate proposals out there?as well as?the best post-proposal financial practices.

    It?s an age-old question, complete with a handful of inexact estimates floating around the Internet as to how much you should shell out for the ring: two months worth of salary, 25% of your annual income,?$2,500.

    Fact-wise,? that the average cost of an engagement ring is $5,200?and it takes the average person three months to find the right one.

    The truth is that there isn?t a hard-and-fast rule as to how much a person should pay for a ring, just like there isn?t a rule about how much people are expected to spend on wedding presents.

    In other words, it?s less about what you?should?spend, and more about what you can?afford?to pay.

    ?It?s really important to budget for an engagement ring,? advises LearnVest CFP ? Sophia Bera. ?Don?t use all of your savings to buy it?your?emergency savings?should be separate from your ring savings.?

    Translation: The ideal amount to spend on a ring is different for everyone?and it doesn?t necessarily need to be something that you take on alone.??Maybe this is unromantic, but I think it?s important to talk to your significant other about what they want, and the price range they have in mind,? adds Sophia.

    Perhaps it isn?t so unromantic: TheKnot also reports that 65% of brides have at least some say in their engagement rings, while 31% shopped for and/or purchased the ring with their groom.

    In some cases, the ring is only a blip on the proposal budget?a new trend in over-the-top proposals means that the ring isn?t always the sparkliest part of the moment.


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    Wednesday, December 26, 2012

    Amazon deforestation brings loss of microbial communities

    Dec. 24, 2012 ? An international team of microbiologists led by Klaus N?sslein of the University of Massachusetts Amherst has found that a troubling net loss in diversity among the microbial organisms responsible for a functioning ecosystem is accompanying deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

    N?sslein, an expert in tropical rain forest microbial soil communities, says, "We found that after rainforest conversion to agricultural pastures, bacterial communities were significantly different from those of forest soils. Not only did the pasture soils show increased species numbers, these species were also less related to one another than in rainforest soil. This is important because the combination of lost forest species and the homogenization of pasture communities together signal that this ecosystem is now a lot less capable of dealing with additional outside stress."

    He and colleagues studied a large farm site over the past four years at the frontier where farmers drive agriculture into pristine rainforest in Rondonia, Brazil, to convert rainforest to agricultural use. Findings in part validated previous research showing that bacteria in the soil became more diverse after conversion to pasture. However, in its fourth year, their study overcame limitations of earlier investigations to show that changes in microbial diversity occurred over larger geographic scales. Results appear in the current issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    In addition to N?sslein at UMass Amherst, the research group includes first author Jorge Rodrigues at the University of Texas at Arlington with Brendan Bohannan at the University of Oregon, James Tiedje at Michigan State University, and others at the University of Sao Paulo. Lead investigators N?sslein and Rodrigues emphasize that the study is an equal collaboration among the four research groups.

    Findings do not support earlier study conclusions, instead they show that the loss of restricted ranges for different bacteria communities results in a biotic homogenization and net loss of diversity overall. Scientists worry that the loss of genetic variation in bacteria across a converted forest could reduce ecosystem resilience. The researchers hope their work will provide valuable data to those making decisions about the future of the Amazon rainforest.

    Biologist and first author Jorge Rodrigues of the University of Texas at Arlington adds, "We have known for a long time that conversion of rainforest land in the Amazon for agriculture results in a loss of biodiversity in plants and animals. Now we know that microbial communities which are so important to the ecosystem also suffer significant losses."

    As N?sslein and colleagues point out, the Amazon represents half of the world's rainforest and is home to one-third of Earth's species, yet the Amazon has one of the highest rates of deforestation. Agriculture is one of the largest and most dynamic parts of Brazil's economy, so dealing with standing rainforests in the tropics will be tricky, but nevertheless, it is vital that the issue is tackled."

    Rodrigues says he and colleagues are currently compiling findings about the potential for recovery of the microbial diversity after pastureland is abandoned and returned to "secondary forest." At the same time, N?sslein and colleagues are leading an effort to investigate how the redundancy of functions provided by soil microbes provides resilience to the effects of agricultural land use change to support a stressed ecosystem to recover stability.

    "Whether bacterial diversity will completely recover from ecosystem conversion will depend in part on whether the taxa lost due to conversion are truly locally extinct or whether they are present in the pasture sites but of such low abundance that they are undetectable in our study," the authors write.

    This work was supported by grants from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the Research Support Foundation of the State of S?o Paulo.

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Massachusetts at Amherst, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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    Shinzo Abe returns as Japan's prime minister

    Japan's Liberal Democratic Party leader Shinzo Abe bows after being named Japan's new prime minister during the plenary session at the lower house of Parliament in Tokyo, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. The rise of Abe, whose nationalist positions have in the past angered Japan's neighbors, ends more than three years at the helm for the left-leaning Democratic Party of Japan and brings back the conservative, pro-big business LDP that governed for most of the post-World War II era. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye)

    Japan's Liberal Democratic Party leader Shinzo Abe bows after being named Japan's new prime minister during the plenary session at the lower house of Parliament in Tokyo, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. The rise of Abe, whose nationalist positions have in the past angered Japan's neighbors, ends more than three years at the helm for the left-leaning Democratic Party of Japan and brings back the conservative, pro-big business LDP that governed for most of the post-World War II era. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye)

    Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda bows as he leaves the prime minister's office in Tokyo, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. Prime Minister Noda's Cabinet resigned Wednesday to clear the way for a vote in parliament to formally install the nation's new leader, Shinzo Abe, a conservative whose nationalist positions have in the past angered Japan's neighbors. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

    Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, holding flowers, bows as he leaves the prime minister's office in Tokyo, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. Prime Minister Noda's Cabinet resigned Wednesday to clear the way for a vote in parliament to formally install the nation's new leader, Shinzo Abe, a conservative whose nationalist positions have in the past angered Japan's neighbors. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

    Japan's prime-minister-to-be Shinzo Abe, right, along with his top lieutenants, delivers a speech in front of his Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers ahead of the special diet session, at the party headquarters in Tokyo, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. Capitalizing on the Democrats' failure to improve the economy and its perceived lack of strong leadership, Abe led the Liberal Democratic Party to victory in parliamentary elections Dec. 16. Abe was to be named prime minister later Wednesday. He was also prime minister in 2006-2007. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

    Japan's prime-minister-to-be Shinzo Abe arrives at the parliament for the special diet session in Tokyo, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. Capitalizing on the Democrats' failure to improve the economy and its perceived lack of strong leadership, Abe led the Liberal Democratic Party to victory in parliamentary elections Dec. 16. Abe was to be named prime minister later Wednesday. He was also prime minister in 2006-2007. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

    TOKYO (AP) ? Old-guard veteran Shinzo Abe was voted back into office as prime minister Wednesday and immediately named a new Cabinet, ending three years of liberal administrations and restoring power to his conservative, pro-big-business party that has run Japan for most of the post-World War II era.

    Abe, whose nationalist positions have in the past angered Japan's neighbors, is the country's seventh prime minister in just over six years. He was also prime minister in 2006-2007 before resigning for health reasons that he says are no longer an issue.

    The outspoken and often hawkish leader has promised to restore growth to an economy that has been struggling for 20 years. His new administration also faces souring relations with China and a complex debate over whether resource-poor Japan should wean itself off nuclear energy after last year's earthquake and tsunami caused a meltdown at an atomic power plant.

    On top of that, he will have to win over a public that gave his party a lukewarm mandate in elections on Dec. 16, along with keeping at bay a still-powerful opposition in parliament. Though his party and its Buddhist-backed coalition partner is the biggest bloc in the more influential lower house, Abe actually came up short in the first round of voting in the upper house, then won in a runoff.

    Capitalizing on voter discontent with the left-leaning Democratic Party of Japan, Abe has vowed to shore up the economy, deal with a swelling national debt and come up with a fresh recovery plan following last year's tsunami disaster, which set off the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.

    "Disaster reconstruction and economic recovery are our first and foremost tasks," new Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said in announcing what he called a "crisis breakthrough Cabinet."

    In foreign policy, Abe has stressed his desire to make Japan a bigger player on the world stage, a stance that has resonated with many voters who are concerned that their nation is taking a back seat economically and diplomatically to China.

    He has said he will support a reinterpretation of Japan's pacifist postwar constitution to loosen the reins on the military, stand up to Beijing over an ongoing territorial dispute and strengthen Tokyo's security alliance with Washington. Beijing has already warned him to tread carefully, and will be watching closely to see if he tones down his positions now that he is in office.

    Abe led the Liberal Democratic Party to victory in nationwide elections this month to cement his second term as Japan's leader.

    "I feel as fresh as the clear sky today," Abe told reporters before Wednesday's parliamentary vote, adding that he wanted to get right down to business.

    His new Cabinet will feature another former prime minister, Taro Aso, as finance minister. Heading the foreign ministry is Fumio Kishida, an expert on the southern island of Okinawa, where many residents angry over crime and overcrowding want a big reduction in the number of U.S. troops they host ? now at about 20,000. The new defense minister is Itsunori Onodera, who was in Abe's previous administration.

    Abe has already named a roster of top party executives that includes two women ? more than in previous LDP administrations ? and is younger than earlier ones, with three of the four in their 50s.

    The LDP governed Japan for decades after it was founded in 1955. Before it was ousted in 2009, the LDP was hobbled by scandals and problems getting key legislation through a divided parliament.

    This time around, Abe has promised to make the economy his top priority and is expected to push for a 2 percent inflation target designed to fight a problem that was until recently relatively unique in the world ? deflation. Continually dropping prices deaden economic activity, and the Japanese economy has been stuck in deflation for two decades.

    Besides generous promises to boost public works spending ? by as much as 10 trillion yen ($119 billion), according to party officials ? Abe is pressuring the central bank to work more closely with the government to reach the inflation target.

    Associated Press


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