Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why Most Sales Team Education Fails - Is Interactive Online Sales ...

The track record for most salesforce training is dismal

Today 87% of business to business sales are made by only 13% of salespeople! Industry leaders forecast the loss of 1 million B2B sales jobs per year through 2020. Entire industries have given up trying to train field salespeople and now provide product training only. One study found that up to 80% of salespeople have never even read a book on selling.

Each year millions of dollars are wasted on ineffective sales training. An even greater amount is lost in missed sales opportunities. 21st century customers are changing the way they buy and leaving too many unprepared salespeople and their company out in the cold.

By better understanding why ?traditional? sales training doesn?t deliver the desired improvements in sales performance, we can focus on how interactive online sales training can fulfill the promise of developing a more skilled and productive salesforce.

Event-based selling seminars are a waste of time and money

One thing wrong with traditional sales training programs is that most are event-based. That means they are scheduled around an annual or quarterly meeting. The sales training class usually last only a few hours. Studies show that 80% of what is learned is forgotten within 48 hours. The bottom line is that scheduling sales training seminars around an event has no lasting value. Would you fly on an airline whose pilots were training this way? Would you send your children to schools were the teachers have this kind of education?

There must be greater sales team accountability

Too many sales training classes depend on rote memory of sale steps, learning complex sales strategies and learning from unrealistic role playing exercises. At the end of the sales training class there is little or no accountability for what is learned and even less for for whether each salesperson implements what they?ve learned.

When there is no corresponding sales management training, accountability is lost. Too often the sales manager is a top salesperson who was promoted into management with little or no training, so they need sales management training as much as the sales team needs sales training.

Salesforce education can?t ignore the needs of the salesperson

Most sales team education courses focus only on sales methods or selling processes. They assume that what limits sales performance is a lack of sales knowledge, but that is seldom the case. The major reason for poor sales performance is poor sales behavior.

When salespeople fail to do what they know they should, something besides sales knowledge is holding them back. For sales training to be effective, it must address the psychological needs of the person selling. Studies demonstrate that sales performance is limited by fears, an inability to break out of confining comfort zones and ineffective work habits.

Interactive online training for sales can correct these sales training failures

Learning is most effective when it?s self-paced and there?s time to practice and implement the lessons. Online sales training can be economically delivered over a period of time using state of the art e-learning techniques. This gives the salesperson time to understand the material, then practice and implement each lesson before they move on to the next lesson.

Because online e-learning systems can quickly and cost effectively be updated, they can continuously deliver the real world sales techniques that 21st century customers demand.

Advanced Learning Management Systems provide accountability

Online sales training removes the time constraints that typically prevent adequate testing and accountability tracking. By using modern learning management systems, accountability for all sales training activities is guaranteed though extensive testing, monitoring and online management reporting.

The sales training program must provide training for sales management

Sales management training should be integrated into the sales training program. This integrated approach to sales and sales management training assures the maximum value and accountability for everyone.

Interactive online sales training programs can enhance the personal development of each salesperson

Sales performance is often limited by personal factors such as fears, comfort zones, bad habits and poor organizational and planning skills. An effective online sales training program must provide detailed instruction on how to overcome fears, break out of confining comfort zones, adopt the habits exhibited by all successful people and master daily organization, prioritization and planning.


You can stop wasting time and money on sales training seminars that don?t work. Effective, modern online sales training systems provide everything needed to deliver increased sales performance. This performance will endure because salespeople and sales managers are given the time needed to optimize the sales and sales management behaviors that drive real and permanent sales success.

For more information about our online sales training program, click here: or call us at 713-338-2503.


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