Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Secret to Having the Love Relationship You've Always Wanted ...

The Secret to Having the Love Relationship You Want

Everyone wants love. Regardless of what people say on the topic, we all desire affirmation, appreciation, and intimacy in our lives? A feeling of special closeness & connection with someone. I know that perfect & eternal love can be given only by God himself, because as humans we?re flawed and filled with all sortsa things that prevent us from giving & receiving the love we need to one another? But in our desire to someday have an intimate relationship that grows & flourishes simultaneously with our marriage, what is the secret in making everything come together?

It?s simple: you?ve gotta be in tune with the seasons of life!

Many times we try wayyyyyyyy too hard to make a relationship work that?s either not supposed to, or not yet time to materialize. We get frustrated, hurt, bitter, etc? But more importantly, it takes our eyes off of the perfect will of God for our lives, that?s calling out for our attention. And the bottom line is if we can?t do what is required of us by God when we?re by our lonesome, how in the world are we going to be able to continue following his perfect plan for us while vying for the attention of a man/woman? It would be nearly impossible.

And on the other side of the pillow, we get this HIGHLY unrealistic notion that the perfect man/woman for us will magically appear out of thin air with wedding bands & church bells, without us having to build an actual relationship prior. Think about it this way: when have you ever heard of a fruit tree in nature growing without some kind of seed? Never! So why do we feel like there won?t be a process to the relationship with the person we wanna spend the rest of our lives with?

Life is made up of seasons, and when we?re in tune with the winds of change, we?ll begin to see the relationships we desire begin to take shape. The principal of seed, time, and harvest is the perfect analogy. You?ve gotta plant, then wait a while to see if a relationship will grow into something fruitful; which requires a bit of patience, and YES, a bit of work. You don?t have to do too much, because you can?t control the weather? But don?t do too little, because it takes a seed to be planted first for something to grow. Pursue God?s will, while putting yourself in situations for you to build & cultivate relationships while keeping your integrity. And then wait.

Your time is coming, and you?re at peace because you?ve figured out the secret to having the love relationship you want. #BelieveInLove

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Categories: Dave's Diary, Life, My Journey, My Opinion, Rants 'n Raves | Tags: Affirmation, Appreciation, Believe In Love, David Jones, David Jones II, God's Will, Intimacy, Life, Love, Marriage, Men, Relationships, Seasons, Secret to Love, women | Permalink.

Author: David Jones II

I?m a Renaissance Man, Social Entrepreneur and Musician who has a burning desire to live a transparent life full of truth & love, while addressing real world problems with innovative solutions. Check out my site, and subscribe to my posts & updates at


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