Sunday, June 23, 2013

Boston bombing amputee rises to her feet

>>> good evening, a live look at the city of new york tonight. and hour headquarters on a beautiful friday night. and we begin just to our north in boston . not long after our cameras arrived there and not long after the initial shock and confusion over the marathon bombing, we came to know some of the victims. one of them more than the rest. ke left has allowed its to chronicle her recovery. and she has become a living example for our viewers much grit and per se variance. tonight to start us off, kate snow reports on a crucial new stage for celeste her first steps on a new set of legs to replace her own.

>> we first met her and her daughter just eight days after the bombings. sher daughter suffered se sha rap nell continued.

>> it's been hard, but mother and daughter moving on to fiscal therapy, sydney learning to walk again and se sleft preparing for her proth thet i can legs. celeste was at her high school graduation still in her wheelchair. but this week, all that changed. she finally got her first set of legs and by day two, she had already ditched her walker. by her side as always, her sister who ran the boston marathon , her son tyler, and sydney .

>> sydney , what is it like to see your mom walking?

>> before she walked, i told her like don't be surprised if all you can do is shuffle a little bit. she looked at me and said, no, i'm going to walk.

>> i'm just watching you --

>> now the hugs are at eye-level.

>> i'll keep you up.

>> and everybody has been noticing how tall you are.

>> yes.

>> you were 5'4".

>> and now i think i'm 5'7".

>> you noticed it right away.

>> immediately.

>> i'm taller than you.

>> we've got to work on that. it's killing me.

>> you want to take a couple of steps?

>> yes.

>> this is the woman we've come to know. the embodiment of boston strong.

>> i feel like i'm on stilts.

>> but the re'llty is singing in. recovery can be grulg and even painful.

>> boston strong is fantastic and everybody pulling together in a time when everybody needed to was what everybody need, you know. but for the people who are still damaged -- sorry -- it's just not that easy to stay boston strong, you know?

>> but you're allowed to have a bad day . like you said, it's going to take a while to get to the other side. you're not there yet.

>> i think that's what's frustrating because i want to be there you now.

>> these legs feel foreign. each step that once came so naturally is now hard work.

>> i really do want people to see that it is hard. you know.

>> it's the reality. there's no reason to sugar coat what's going on.

>> it is auto easy.

>> but with each day, she's one step closer to getting back the to beach, driving a car, returning to her wark as a hairstylist.

>> your station is still there, right?

>> it is. i don't want to to be like a shine or something.

>> but you do want to go back and stand in that station on your legs and do people's hair.

>> do people's hair. that's what i love to do. every day we do take a step forward . some days we take some steps back, but we always end up forward.

>> carmen has been thinking about running again in next year's boston marathon .

>> do you want her to run again?

>> that's a hard question. because there's a huge part of me that's like, no, i don't want to go anywhere near there. no. if it's a goal that she sets and wants to do, then i'll probably be scared out of my mind, but i'll be standing there watching her cross.

>> she's going to be right where i stopped and these two are coming down the street with me. i'm not take it by myself. whether we walk holding hands or do a slow jog. that's the only way i'll go down. i'm not running a whole mayor mon.

>> nope.

>> kate snow is here with us. we all profit from knowing her and knowing her story. and her recovery includes a whole new house of her condition.

>> because they had an older home and narrow hallways and steps up to the front door and that doesn't work anymore. they're buying new property and build a new home. now those legs that you saw, those are tens of thousands of dollars for one pair of process thesies and she ago have several. it's a great expense.

>> thank you for this and everything. kate snow here with


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