Friday, June 15, 2012

100+ Reward Ideas for Your Weight Loss Journey ...

100+ Reward Ideas for Your Weight Loss Journey

Here are 100+ (non-food) reward ideas:

Reward your healthy behavior on your weight loss journey.

Buy yourself (a) new:

  • Belt
  • Book
  • Bouquet of flowers
  • Clothes (shirt, shorts, skirt, jacket, jeans, etc.)
  • DVD
  • Exercise clothes
  • Healthy cookbook
  • iPod or mp3 player
  • iPod, iPhone, or iPad accessory
  • Item for a collection or hobby
  • Kitchen gadget
  • Magazine subscription
  • Membership (to a website, club, museum, etc.)
  • Pair of shoes
  • Perfume/cologne
  • Picture frame
  • Piece of exercise equipment (ball, weights, resistance bands, yoga mat, etc.)
  • Piece of jewelry
  • Purse or wallet
  • Robe
  • Slippers
  • Socks
  • Tie
  • Tool
  • Underwear
  • Wall hanging
  • Watch
  • Workout music

Rewards don?t have to be expensive. You can buy books from a used book store and clothes from a second hand store (especially if you?re planning to drop more sizes). You can find almost any item on eBay or Craigslist,? or trade items with friends.

Download a/an:

  • App
  • Computer game
  • Exercise video
  • Kindle book (e-book)
  • Movie
  • Ring tone
  • Song

Earn a:

  • Date night with your significant other
  • Day off from doing the dishes or other household task
  • Day off work (Take a personal/vacation day)
  • Massage from your significant other
  • Night off from cooking
  • Night off from giving the kids a bath

These reward ideas will obviously take the cooperation of others (significant other, family members, roommates, etc.) who are willing to support you and pitch in.

Spend time alone and:

  • Do nothing
  • Enjoy peace and quiet
  • Lay down for a nap
  • Play ?Words With Friends? or another game
  • Read a book or magazine
  • Sip coffee or tea
  • Take a bath
  • Watch your favorite TV show (reserve the TV)
  • Work a crossword puzzle, jigsaw puzzle, Sudoku puzzle, etc.

Spend time doing anything you enjoy but don?t typically take the time to do.

Go to a/the:

  • Batting cage
  • Bowling alley
  • Comedy club
  • Concert
  • Fair
  • Golf course (or mini golf course)
  • Mall
  • Movies
  • Museum
  • Play or musical
  • Pool or beach
  • Spa
  • Sporting event
  • Zoo

Pamper yourself with (a):

  • Acupuncture
  • Bath products
  • Facial
  • Haircut/color
  • Manicure/pedicure
  • Massage
  • New make-up
  • Spray tan
  • Teeth whitening
  • Wax

Put money towards (a/an):

  • Gift card for your favorite store
  • Hiring a maid
  • Horse back riding
  • Hot air balloon ride
  • Investment
  • Personal training sessions
  • Sky diving
  • Smaller wardrobe
  • Spa day
  • Vacation
  • Weekend trip

Set up a reward system where you earn money for achieving daily or weekly goals. Save the money in a jar or bank account and spend it on a large reward once you?ve earned enough.

You could even start a matching program (dollar for dollar) if you have the cooperation from a significant other, friend, or family member.

Rent a:

  • Boat
  • Fancy car
  • 4-wheeler
  • Jet ski
  • Kayak
  • Paddle board

Take a class in/on:

  • A foreign language
  • Art (drawing, painting, pottery)
  • Ballroom dance
  • Computers/software
  • Cooking
  • Jewelry/bead making
  • Photography
  • Rock climbing
  • Scrapbooking
  • Self-defense
  • Sewing or crocheting

Take a lesson to practice:

  • Acting
  • Archery
  • Dance
  • Golf
  • Guitar
  • Salsa
  • Surfing
  • Tennis

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