Thursday, November 15, 2012

6 Things to Consider Before Investing in Real Estate | ComFree Blog

Things to consider before investing in real estate

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Deciding to invest in real estate is a big decision that requires a lot of thought and should not be taken lightly.

As long as there are properties, there are investment opportunities, but these opportunities need to be examined thoroughly so you can make a realistic offer on real estate that could affect you for the rest of your life.

Things to consider before investing in real estate #1

Checking out the market

Before you even think about putting money down for a house, you need to take a good look at the real estate market. How well is it doing? Are houses, apartments etc. selling well?

Are the prices good at the moment or are a lot of people taking a loss? If the market isn?t good right now, it may be worth your while waiting until things improve.

Things to consider before investing in real estate #2

Getting a good deal

Can you get a good deal on a mortgage or a loan? And if you can, will you be able to keep up the repayments? Investing in real estate is a long-term situation and it?s likely that you?ll be paying for the house for many years unless you?re fortunate enough to be able to pay it off quickly.

Things to consider before investing in real estate #3

The condition of the house

If a particular house, apartment or condo has caught your eye, you need to take a close look at it. Will the house need anything done to it? Are there a lot of improvements to be made? Chances are it could all prove to be a lot more costly than you think.

Things to consider before investing in real estate #4

Live in or rent?

Are you planning to live in the property you?re thinking of buying or are you going to rent it out? Your plans to live in or live elsewhere could affect the mortgage.

If you plan to rent out you need to make sure you?re able to cover the mortgage payments if no-one moves into your property for a while.

Things to consider before investing in real estate #5

When things go wrong

As well as thinking about how you?re going to be able to afford to pay the mortgage or loan, you need to think about what you?re going to do when things go wrong. For example, pipes may burst, there may be a structural problem or the electric may need re-wiring.

If you?re going to be living in the property then this may be less of a concern for you right now. If you?re going to rent it out then you?ll need to get your hands on the cash quickly, can you do this?

Things to consider before investing in real estate #6

Selling the property

If you?re looking to invest in real estate so you can sell it, you need to be aware of the current market. Buying a property is a big risk for anyone, but the risk increases if you?re buying in order to make money. Getting financial advice for this situation is crucial because it could help you to understand how the market is doing and whether you should invest.

Thinking about all the above points will help you to make an informed decision and lower the risks that are associated with real estate investment.

If you plan on buying or selling a home, visit today.


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