Sunday, November 18, 2012

CAUGHT IN THE WEB: Post election hangover, LEGOS and Facebook

Election Day is exciting in the media business but there is a little relief when the final story is filed.

Elections can become very consuming because our staff had to deal with all the local elections, plus we contributed to our company?s statewide coverage. Add that to the job of sifting through all the national stories that have been coming in from our content partners and it was a busy couple months.


Now that the election is behind us, what?s next?

The newsroom almost has a quiet feel to it despite the fact our reporters still cover their beats, our page designers keep churning out the print editions and the website is rolling right along.

The post-election hangover might also have had an impact on the most popular stories on our website.

With readers possibly wanting some less serious reading, the top story on our website since the elections was a review on the Droid Razr Maxx HD smart phone by tech writer Matt Myftiu

Also among our top stories was a piece on how the Detroit Tigers are looking to improve the outfield and subsequent stories about the team signing outfielder Torii Hunter, A top 10 list of WWI movies that was published last year, a review of tablets and a story about NASA refuting the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012, as the Mayan calendar predicts.

While our readers have taken to some lighter reading, a few serious news stories were getting their share of views on our website.

In Taylor, there has been talk of teacher layoffs and contract negotiations as reported by David Komer. A robbery at a Lincoln Park Taco Bell caught our readers? attention and many commented on our Facebook page. Continued...

Out of Wyandotte came a sad story about alleged child abuse. That brought several comments from readers about what should be done if the parents truly abused their children.

In Riverview, we had a story about a man trying to lure a child into his vehicle. Parents,? please talk to your kids about dealing with strangers and ways to be safe. If you need more information, call your child?s school or local police department.

Who likes LEGO building blocks? That?s a trick question ? everyone does (Maybe not everyone, but I think they are cool).

We posted a story, some video and several great photos of a LEGO exhibit at The Henry Ford. If you like LEGOs, you should check it out.

Our Speak Out questions drew some pretty funny and interesting comments, but the question we posted on our website and Facebook page asking which treat was your favorite from Hostess quickly turned into a discussion on obesity and unions.

(The Hostess Company announced Friday it was going out of businesses because its bakers refused to end a strike).

Sometimes, I wish our readers would have a little more fun with our questions and not take things so seriously.

Also on Facebook, Jessica Hager Coleman was the 4,500th person to ?like? our page. Thank you, Jessica! And if you haven?t yet, please find us on Facebook and ?like? our page.

Contact Online Editor Joe Gray at 1-734-246-0836 or Follow him on Twitter @JoeGrayMedia


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