Monday, July 15, 2013

Step Away From the Keyboard (And Other Summertime Survival Tips)

Posted by Carla Young on July 15, 2013 ? Leave a Comment?


Anyone who knows me knows that I am a bit of a Type A personality (hence the weekly column called ?Momentum Monday? that focuses on time management and motivation). So what I am about to advise is going to be a bit of a shock: STEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD (and put down your SmartPhone and don?t even think about pulling out the tablet on a technicality).

It?s summer. The sun is shining, the days are longer, the living is easy. Your family, your happiness, yourself needs you (all of you, not just the part of you that looks up from your computer)!?Your business needs you too, but that?s where the survival tips come in because it can hold on until the fall when the kids return to school and the weather turns yucky. In the meantime, take a vacation, give yourself a break, do something less productive!

Summertime Business Survival Tips?

#1: Scale Down the To-Do?s ? Forget your 2 to 3 must-do tasks and aim to get ONE thing done per day that you absolutely, positively must do or the world will come to an end. Focus on getting that done and then give yourself permission to clock out for the day.

#2: Get It Done Early ? Set your alarm clock and get your ONE thing done before the day gets rolling. That way you can enjoy the rest of the day guilt-free because you have already done what you set out to do that day.

#3: No Mommy-Tasking ? Don?t give in to the temptation to drag the laptop outside to get ?a bit of work? done while the kids play. Join the fun or do something you enjoy doing (like gardening). Remember, the summer is about giving yourself a break too.

#4: Manage Expectations ? Let your clients and customers know when you are available. Frustration happens when people expect things to carry on like normal and if you are running summer hours, that ain?t gonna happen so you may as well be upfront about it.

#5: Make Technology Work for YOU ? Use all your best tech tricks to keep things going without a lot of extra effort from you. If you had a time machine, I would recommend going back to the spring and getting all that organized beforehand, but since it?s not, best to just read this post on time-saving tools for twitter.

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About Carla Young
Carla Young, Publisher If there?s living proof that women can have it all ? and then some ? it?s Carla Young. Building her multiple businesses on a virtual work-at-home model, Carla is an inspiration to other mothers who want to start a lifestyle business. During her early days as a mom entrepreneur, Carla made every single mistake in the book (and a few new ones for good measure). Realizing that ?doing it all? was unhealthy and unsustainable, Carla started by getting organized to the extreme, developing support systems for both her work and family. After other mothers started asking how they too could enjoy her lifestyle, Carla launched to support moms at work, at home and at play (because every mommy deserves a little me-time)!


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