Friday, October 12, 2012

Students join the fight against breast cancer | Alexandria Times

By Stephanie Slaven

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and students at T.C. Williams are gearing up to spread the word and raise awareness. Juniors Emma West and Janet Johnston recently founded the T.C. Breast Cancer Awareness Club, and they hope that through activism and community involvement students will raise money and support for finding the cure for breast cancer.

?I created this club for personal reasons; my mother is a breast cancer survivor,? West said. ?I also believe that students should have more opportunities to make a difference in our community.?

Johnston, co-president, also has a personal interest in seeing the end of breast cancer. The group is student-run and outfitted with members eager to collaborate with their community to fight the disease.

Breast cancer affects us all. Nearly one in eight women receive the diagnosis in their lifetime, earning it the dubious distinction as the most common cancer among women. And, although rare, men also can develop breast cancer.

Breast cancer starts when a mutation in a cell causes uncontrolled cell growth that develops in the tissue of the breast. It is a disease behind the deaths of countless loved ones and must be stopped.

The group?s main goal this school year is to raise enough money to send three members to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. The walk, which is 39.3 miles long and takes place over the course of two days, is scheduled for May 4 and 5 in Washington. At $1,800 per walker, raising enough money is an ambitious task, but the students are enthusiastic and optimistic.

In addition to the walk, the club is working on several short-term projects, such as organizing a T.C. letter-writing program for cancer patients.

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, club members are volunteering for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer race in Washington on October 20 as well as fundraising at T.C. through poster campaigns, bake sales and selling T-shirts.

And keep your eye out for an upcoming fundraising night with Del Ray?s Los Tios Grill, where a percentage of the restaurant?s proceeds will be donated to fight breast cancer.

Stay updated with the latest news on breast cancer and the club by liking the group?s Facebook page ? search for ?Alexandria Breast Cancer Awareness.? It?s just a click or two away.


The author is treasurer of the T.C. Breast Cancer Awareness Club.


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