Saturday, October 13, 2012 Launches To Connect Brands And Celebrities To Shake Up Social Good

photoHere's the deal, I have some experience in the realm of trying to gather a bunch of folks around a cause to make an actual difference in the world for others. Over the past few years, I've seen quite a few "campaigns" shake up things on Twitter and Facebook that blew my mind, when it comes to raising money or awareness around important causes. Today, a new service called has launched and I find it to be quite brilliant. Its founder, Derek Rey, has some experience matching brands up with celebrities from his previous startup, I wasn't really a fan of anyone, let alone celebrities, tweeting out links to things that they knew nothing about, or really cared about at all. It seems like Rey has found the right mix of's original model and something that is infinitely more impactful and heartwarming.


alex o loughlin the godfather cape breton bowling green marysville tornados dr. seuss

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